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Compare Mixcraft 10


Recording Studio

Pro Studio

Over 7,500 loops, sound effects, and samples

Live Performance Panel

UPDATED! Music Notation, Step Editor, Piano Roll Editor

Video Editing

Unlimited tracks

NEW! Track Regions - select, drag and drop, and copy groups of clips and tracks, including their automations


NEW! Advanced MIDI and Audio Output Recording and Routing


NEW! Integrated Mixcraft Store

NEW! Scalable Interface

NEW! Controller Scripts API

NEW! Custom Hot Key Assignments

NEW! Drag-and-Drop Automation

UPDATED! Plug-In Manager - Better Search and Organization with an Optional Safe Mode

UPDATED! Project Start Window with Live Links to News, Videos, Sales

Master Tempo Envelope

Curved Automation

Vocoder Tracks

Gain, Drive, Parametric EQ, Compressor, Oscilloscope, and Spectrum Analyzer Mixer Panels

Tempo-Synced LFOs For Plug-In Automation

MIDI Step Recording

Natively Integrated Celemony Melodyne 5 Essential


Audio to MIDI Conversion


Rewire Hosting